Letter From Shauna: My Brother’s Battle With Lyme


Dear Little Brother,

As I have watched you struggle with something that I couldn’t even imagine, my heart has ached for you. It has been frustrating to see your symptoms slowly rob you of your personality, your smile, your energy, and your ability to function as I know you would like.

Since your diagnosis, I have longed for a solution to your suffering, be found. It has not been an easy road for you. I have happened to be there to see some of your lowest lows, and have witnessed your constant pain and discomfort. I am amazed that despite these awful circumstances, you still manage to put on your game face, as best you can. Though your body is fragile, the one thing this disease has not taken from you, is your enormous heart.

As your sister, please know that your family will not give up on you. And even though you battle each and every day, we hope that you won’t give up on yourself. We love you.


Big Sis

During Lyme Awareness Month, we’re publishing #LymeLetters written by those affected by Lyme Disease. Be sure to check out the rest of the letters here and to follow us @LymeNow on Facebook and Instagram.




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