How Does Silver Fight Lyme Bacteria?


If you have Lyme or associated co-infections, you know all too well how difficult it is to treat Lyme. The bacteria’s unique spirochete shape allows it to remain resistant to antibiotics.

A better solution is silver.

What is silver?

Colloidal silver is a dietary supplement consisting of a liquid with silver particles and is an antiviral, bactericidal, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic. It has been shown to be effective against disease causing organisms, such as bacteria, spirochetes, virus, fungus, parasites, and more.

What are the health benefits of silver?

Silver is a fantastic immune-booster and antimicrobial, helping to detox the body and remove Lyme bacteria.

Does silver treat Lyme disease?

Yes, silver is used by many to help treat their Lyme disease and co-infections. Many forms of bacteria, viruses and fungi utilize a specific enzyme for their metabolism. An independent study done with a 200 ppm Advanced Cellular Silver proves it disables the enzyme that is necessary for Lyme organisms to stay alive.

Advanced Cellular Silver essentially starves the source of disease. Making it lethal to all species of tested fungi, bacteria, protozoa and virus, including Borrelia burgdorferi, and other known co-infections of Lyme without damaging human tissue.

Lyn Hanshew, MD on Lyme Spirochetes

Dr. Lyn Hanshew, MD is concerned about the rising number of Lyme cases. She has a masters of microbiology where she learned all about spirochetes and can attest to how difficult Lyme is to treat due to the bacteria’s unique structure and shape. This organism secretes a cocoon around itself, but through that cocoon secretes and excretes neurotoxins and inflammatory agents. She notes that antibiotics can’t even begin to get through that cocoon, but silver can!

Why is silver so effective at destroying Lyme bacteria?

Silver is smart. Silver is anti-viral, bactericidal, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic. It kills pathogens effectively without causing harm to the rest of the body.

Many forms of bacteria, viruses, and fungi utilize a specific enzyme for their metabolism. An independent study done with 200 ppm Advanced Cellular Silver proves it disables the enzyme that is necessary for Lyme organisms to stay alive. Advanced Cellular Silver essentially starves the source of disease, making it lethal to all species of tested fungi bacteria, protozoa and virus, including Borrelia burgdorferi, and other known co-infections for Lyme without damaging human tissue.

Silver Address the 3 Forms of Lyme

Borrelia burgdorferi comes in 3 forms:

  1. Spirochetes
  2. Round Bodies
  3. Biofilm Colonies

If all three forms of the bacteria aren’t dealt with quickly, Lyme bacteria will spread, and symptoms can become worse. For this reason, it is crucial that all three forms of Borrelia are effectively killed-off.

In a 2017 study, an elemental silver was tested against all three forms of B. burgdorferi.The results were remarkable. 200 parts per million Advanced Cellular Silver achieved a 99% kill against all 3 forms of Borrelia burgdorferi. Long term use of 200 ppm Advanced Cellular Silver has also been shown to improve overall immune system health. To date, this is the only antimicrobial proven to kill all three forms of the bacteria.

Advanced Cellular Silver Study Results

An independent study done with a 200 ppm Advanced Cellular Silver proves it disables the enzyme that is necessary for Lyme organisms to stay alive.

From these preliminary studies, it appeared that most of the B. burgdorferi motility ceased after about 4 minutes of exposure to the 200 ppm silver solution. No motility was observed after 8 minutes of exposure.

The efficacy of 200 ppm Advanced Cellular Silver is clear. With its ability to kill pathogens, boost the immune system, and remove damaging toxins, all without damaging health tissue, it is a must-have for those with Lyme and associated co-infections.

Learn more about silver.

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