The 7 Requirements to Conquer Lyme


Lyme disease affects thousands of people world wide yet it is one of the least acknowledged diseases in the world. We want to spread awareness of Lyme disease and hope that one day it will get the attention it deserves.

This article, The 7 Requirements to Conquer Lyme, includes cutting edge information about Lyme disease, its root causes and most importantly, safe and effective health products and protocols proven to help you get your life back.

Why is Lyme such a mystery?

To many, Lyme disease is a very mysterious disease. Lyme disease is a complex condition with multiple causes. The key to relief with Lyme is identifying and reversing each of the many root causes – healing and rejuvenating the body as a whole.

Have you ever wondered what we can do to help give our body relief from Lyme disease? Here are 7 steps  that aid in Lyme relief.

The 7 Requirements to Conquer Lyme

  1. Destroy Lyme and coinfection pathogens – A co-infection refers to having an infection at the same time as another. Diseases and symptoms associated with another infection (in this case, Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses) are known as co-infections. Dr. Richard Horowitz believes that the key to conquering Chronic Lyme is by focusing on treating the co-infections.
  2. Detoxify your body (remove toxins and free radicals) – Removing toxins and free radicals from your body is extremely important in the fight to get rid of Lyme disease. Toxins are everywhere and are almost impossible to avoid. By removing toxins from your system, you are providing your body the support it needs to function properly.
  3. Boost the immune system – Lyme disease has major effects on the immune system. The resulting symptoms of a weak immune system from Lyme affect the entire body. You must boost the immune system and find ways to kill more than just Lyme bacteria
  4. Increase glutathione levels – Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant. It is known to neutralize free radicals and increased glutathione enhances the body, including the immune system, making it easier to fight off infections.
  5. Reduce oxidative stress- Oxidative stress is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in your body. When free radicals consume available antioxidants, oxidative stress increases in the body exponentially. Oxidative stress has been proven in countless clinical trials to cause health issues such as cell damage, poor inflammatory response, weakened immune support and extreme fatigue.
  6. Reduce inflammation – Inflammation is how the body responds to infections, such as Borrelia burgdorferi. Every symptom is either caused as a result of the infection itself, or is a response to an immune system that attacks itself, causing inflammation. Finding ways to boost the immune system and promote a healthy inflammatory response are key to combating the devastating effects of Lyme disease.
  7. Rejuvenate the neurological system – According to the CDC, neurologic symptoms of Lyme disease occur when the Borrelia burgdorferi affects the peripheral or central nervous systems. This usually happens when treatment is delayed, spreading to the brain and spinal cord and causing a plethora of issues. These neurological symptoms impact many of the psychiatric symptoms, as well, affecting the mind and causing unusual behavior in Lyme patients. It is important that you consult your physician if you believe that you are suffering from Neurological Lyme. We have found that detoxification supplements and supplements that support the central nervous system and overall brain health can make a huge difference.

We have done research and found a few products that help. Results RNA’s Ultimate Immune Support System is one of the products we know and love. Here is what we know.

The Ultimate Immune Support System

Many long-time Lyme sufferers have attempted antibiotic protocols in the past and wondered why they received little results. A profound study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on March 31, 2016 revealed that Chronic Lyme disease is not necessarily improved by conventional antibiotic therapy.1

However, it has been found that focusing on supporting your immune system is a great way to help improve your Lyme symptoms and we believe that the Ultimate Immune Support System is a great place to start. For more information concerning the Ultimate Immune Support System, read on.

Learn ACS 200 Extra Strength helps Destroys Lyme Pathogens

Like many Lyme patients, you may have traveled down the antibiotic road only to find them ineffective in addressing your Lyme disease symptoms.

As the first step of The 7 Requirements to Conquer Lyme, it is imperative to kill Lyme disease associated pathogens without destroying gut flora and without harming the immune system.

Killing Lyme pathogens is difficult.  Advanced Cellular Silver (ACS) 200 Extra Strength has been researched and proven to achieve complete in vitro kill against Lyme associated pathogens including all three forms of Borellia burgdorferi. ACS 200 also kills coinfection microorganisms Bartonella henselae and even Powassan virus.

ACS 200 Extra Strength – Effective Silver

Dr. William Burgdorfer (the scientist who discovered Borellia as a cause of Lyme) determined that the most effective antimicrobial for killing Borellia burgdorferi was a silver-based formula.

ACS 200 Silver Extra Strength has been proven in multiple research studies to kill disease-causing microorganisms in vitro over 1 million times more effectively than any other silver product.

ACS 200 Silver addresses #1,3,6 of The 7 Requirements to Conquer Lyme

  1. Destroy Lyme and coinfection pathogens
  2. Detoxify at the cellular level (remove heavy metals, chemical toxins and free radicals)
  3. Boost the immune system
  4. Increase glutathione levels
  5. Reduce oxidative stress
  6. Reduce inflammation
  7. Rejuvenate the neurological system

ACZ Nano Extra Strength Detoxifies Your body

We live in a toxic world making daily detoxification more important than ever. Toxins such as mercury, lead, cadmium and more are inhaled and ingested by almost everyone daily. As these toxins accumulate in the body, they weaken our immune system significantly.

Conquering Lyme requires much more than killing pathogens

The truth is, pathogens are not the primary cause of any illness. The primary cause of illness is a deficient immune system. A healthy immune system is capable of warding off pathogens and keeping the body healthy.

Consider a classroom full of school children who are all exposed to the flu virus. The next day six of the children get sick but the rest of the children stay healthy. As you can already guess, the healthy kids had stronger immune  systems.

How do I restore my immune system?

A great way to restore the immune system is to detoxify the body, removing the poisons that are weakening the immune system. This requires a far more comprehensive detoxification than a 3-day liver or colon cleanse, or other unproven approaches.

ACZ Nano Zeolite Extra Strength – Detoxification

ACZ Nano Zeolite Extra Strength helps to bind and remove toxic heavy metals at the cellular level without side effects. It detoxifies the blood and cells; balancing the pH levels in the body.

ACZ Nano Zeolite addresses #2,3,5,6 of the 7 Requirements to Conquer Lyme

  1. Destroy Lyme and coinfection pathogens
  2. Detoxify at the cellular level (remove heavy metals, chemical toxins and free radicals)
  3. Boost the immune system
  4. Increase glutathione levels
  5. Reduce oxidative stress
  6. Reduce inflammation
  7. Rejuvenate the neurological system

ACG Glutathione Extra Strength is AN Antioxidant

With every chronic condition including Lyme disease, free radicals and oxidative stress are present at elevated levels. Why is this important? Reducing free radicals and minimizing oxidative stress is critical to healing and recovery.

Glutathione is a Strong Antioxidant

Known as a master antioxidant, glutathione is the foremost antioxidant produced by your cells and is one of the most important compounds in your entire body. Glutathione neutralizes free radicals, is critical to the liver’s role in detoxifying and removing harmful substances from the body and is essential for reducing oxidative stress.

ACG Glutathione Extra Strength

Over 130,000 scientific papers cited on PubMed have established that one of the most important keys to optimal cellular function is maintaining adequate cellular glutathione levels. ACG Glutathione Extra Strength helps increase glutathione levels in the blood, making it a highly effective glutathione supplement.

ACG Glutathione Extra Strength addresses #2,3,4,5,6 of the 7 Requirements to Conquer Lyme

  1. Destroy Lyme and coinfection pathogens
  2. Detoxify at the cellular level (remove heavy metals, chemical toxins and free radicals)
  3. Boost the immune system
  4. Increase glutathione levels
  5. Reduce oxidative stress
  6. Reduce inflammation
  7. Rejuvenate the neurological system

References: 1Peacock BN, Gherezghiher TB, Hilario JD, Kellermann GH ;New Insights into Lyme Disease; Redox Biol. 2015 Aug;5:66-70

ACN Neuro Extra Strength Rejuvenates the Neurological System

The Neurological effects of chronic Lyme disease can be significant and debilitating.

Lyme disease can produce a micro edema (swelling in the brain) which can negatively affect your ability to process  information. Many people dealing with the effects of Lyme disease also report changes in their thinking such as memory loss and reduced mental sharpness.

Neurologists from the American Academy of Neurology say patients with nervous system Lyme disease may also have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Sciatica-like nerve pain
  • Weakness or numbness due to nerve damage
  • Changes in cognitive function such as thinking, reasoning, remembering and imagining

ACN Neuro Extra Strength

ACN Neuro Extra Strength provides support and relief for those experiencing the neurological manifestations of Lyme disease. Ingredients have been shown to:

  • Increase concentration and focus
  • Boost alertness
  • Increase overall cognitive performance
  • Reduce neurological manifestations such as severe brain fog

ACN Neuro Extra Strength addresses #7 of the 7 Requirements to Conquer Lyme

  1. Destroy Lyme and coinfection pathogens
  2. Detoxify at the cellular level (remove heavy metals, chemical toxins and free radicals)
  3. Boost the immune system
  4. Increase glutathione levels
  5. Reduce oxidative stress
  6. Reduce inflammation
  7. Rejuvenate the neurological system

The Ultimate Lyme Support System Conquers Lyme

The Ultimate Immune Support System addresses each of the 7 Requirements to Conquer Lyme.

  1. Destroy Lyme and coinfection pathogens
  2. Detoxify at the cellular level (remove heavy metals, chemical toxins and free radicals)
  3. Boost the immune system
  4. Increase glutathione levels
  5. Reduce oxidative stress
  6. Reduce inflammation
  7. Rejuvenate the neurological system

The Ultimate Immune Support System is one of our favorite products to help us throughout our Lyme disease journey. Here is a link to an article that lists some of our other favorite Lyme disease products.

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